Affiliate Disclaimers

At Mimi Creative, customer satisfaction is our highest priority.

That’s why I want to be transparent and honest with our audience and let them know that in many parts of our website, including blog posts, products, and services pages, I will promote products/services through affiliate links and may receive a small commission on any purchases made from those links.

My aim is to provide useful information to entrepreneurs and small businesses so they can gain the most value from our experience, which means you can always trust me to recommend products or services that I have thoroughly researched and tested for quality and reliability.

I’ve personally used all the products or services I link to – as well as received first-hand feedback from other successful entrepreneurs – so I can confidently say that these are genuine recommendations rather than just a way for me to make money.

I also like giving away valuable information for free because it helps people become more successful in their business, but affiliate links are one of the ways I get paid in return for the time and effort put into creating articles and training material.